To all the boys I’ve loved before review

Hey people of the Internet! This is a review of ‘to all the boys I love before’( hence the title ). Just to let you know I do love this movie and I’ve watched it a lot so I may be a little biased. Let’s start at the beginning, I think that the opening scene is a wonderful way of introducing us to some of the characters without us even knowing them yet. It gives us insight to what the movie may be about and that’s why I like it. Just from the first scene we see that the main character,Lara Jean, is really into Reading and that she is also having some problems with her love life which may be meant to foreshadow the rest of the movie and the problems she will have throughout it. Obviously I can’t analyse every scene because I would be here all day but there are a few scenes I’d like to focus in on as well as covering the movie as a whole in a summary at the end. So on that note the next thing I’d like to talk about is when Lara Jean is talking about the letters for the first time as well as when they get sent out. What I like about this is you get to see the boys when they are younger and then some of them later on with more of a back story as to why she liked them. I especially like the throwback scene with Lucas because the author of the books is in that scene as the teacher and I think that’s pretty cool. The final scene I’m going to zoom in on is the scene in the hot tub,ha ha yes very steamy but that’s not why I like it. What I like about it is the raw emotion you get to see when they’re opening up to each other and in my opinion we see Lara Jean failing to see why Peter would like her and that it can’t possibly be the case as well as questioning if she is good enough for him when all Peter wants is her. This scene always makes me giddy, I just love it so much!!! Overall I think it is a very good movie, I would definitely recommend to others especially if they are a fan of romance. The movie is filled with love, comedy and some drama of course and that’s why I think so many people like it. That’s all…


That Movie Whore🍒🦖